our service area is in a 25 mile radius of zip code 63116
hvac residential & Commercial Installations
These appliances may be in offices, warehouses, retail food, cold storage, or comfort cooling of various types. There are many different ways to build an HVAC system all requiring different parts and tools. Additionally, old refrigerants that are still in use such as ozone depleting HCFCs are being completely phased out, if you’re looking to make the world a greener place or just need a fresh install call us today.
HVAC Residential & Commercial Repair
The EPA requires facilities using more than 50 pounds of ozone depleting refrigerant to be repaired within 30 days of detecting a leak. Still, even if your system uses a newer greener refrigerant it would be a waste to see all of that refrigerant leaked into the atmosphere and the inevitable destruction of your system. If you suspect a leak call us asap for a repair or a follow up visit.
hvac Residential & commercial Tune-ups
Over time HVAC residential & commercial systems may accumulate what we call in the industry “non-condensibles,” these are particles of things such as water that do harm to the HVAC system. While your system may not be completely broken at this point, it may just be running a bit worse, it is a good idea to schedule a tune up to clear the lines and get your system back to running full speed.